April 14, 2022

DIY Transformerless inverter

This is a DIY Transformerless inverter, it can convert high DC voltage to AC Voltage with Pure sine wave without using any transformer.

To get 220V AC we need at least 311V DC in the input

and to get 110V AC we need at least 155V DC in the input

Max power depends on the type of the mosfets and current sensing resistor (watch the video!) 

Max power for this inverter is 1100VA if 0.1 ohm shunt resistor used.


DIY Transformerless inverter

Parts List:

EGS002 SPWM Board

Mosfets IRF840 or 11N60 (4pcs)

Heatsink + Insulation pad and washer for mosfets

SMD Resistor 4.7 ohm or 10 ohm (4pcs)

SMD Resistor 10 K (5pcs)

SMD Resistor 200K

SMD Resistor 1K or 2.2K

Resistor 0.1 ohm 2W

Potentiometer multiturn 10K


SMD Capacitor 100nF

SMD Capacitor 10nF

CBB Capacitor 2.2uF 630V

Capacitor 22uF 400V

Inductor 2mH (ferrite ring with diameter of 30mm and about 200 turns of 0.7 mm copper wire)

SMD Diode 1N4148 (4pcs)

Transistor 2N2222

12V 3W power supply

Cooling Fan 12V 

Voltage regulator 78L05

Connectors HB825

Inverter battery Terminal Connector M5

ON/OFF Switch

Circuit Diagram:

Here is the datasheet of EGS002 Driver board: https://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/1132081/EGMICRO/EGS002.html 

NOTE: You have to set the potentiometer carefully, otherwise you get ERROR (Red LED blinking), for example if you set the potentiometer on 220V AC output , so the input must be at least 311V DC, but if you set it on 240V AC, so the input must be at least 339V DC, and so one.

DIY Transformerless inverter

You can order the PCB here:


DIY Transformerless inverter

3D Printer file :



3D DIY Transformerless inverter
