December 06, 2021

Thermocouple Switch / Temperature Sensor K-Type

This circuit is a thermo Switch using a Thermocouple. It can switch ON/OFF a load when temperature rises above a certain value. Max. load current could be 10A.

You can order this PCB from here:


Thermocouple Switch / Temperature Sensor K-Type

Parts list:

IC CA3140

12V Relay

Diode 1N4007

Diode 1N4148

Transistor 2N2222


Resistor 1K (2pcs) 

Resistor 100K

Resistor 10K 

Multiturn Potentiometer 500 ohm

Thermocouple K-Type

Terminal connectors 2p and 3p

Banana Socket   

IC Socket 8 pin

Circuit Diagram:

Thermocouple polarity is so important !

Thermocouple Switch / Temperature Sensor K-Type
