August 14, 2021

DIY Avoidance Sensor Module with better features

This electronic circuit is an avoidance sensor that unlike commercial sensors, haven't issue of sun light interference ! 

You can order this PCB from here:


DIY Avoidance Sensor Module with better features

Parts list:

IC NE555

IC LM567

IC Socket 8pin (2pcs)

Infrared sensor TCRT 5000


Resistor 120 ohm

Resistor 680 ohm

Resistor 1M

Resistor 100K

Resistor 51K

Resistor 3.3K

Resistor 10K

Capacitor 100nF

Capacitor 1.5nF

Capacitor 20nF

Capacitor 100uF

Capacitor 2.2uF

Capacitor 1uF


DIY Avoidance Sensor Module with better features


Circuit Diagram:

DIY Avoidance Sensor Module with better features


In following video you can see how this circuit works.