March 03, 2021

LED Chaser with 80 channels

 This circuit is an LED chaser with 80 channel using IC 4017

You can order this PCB from here:


LED Chaser with 80 channels

Parts list:

IC 4017 (11pcs)

IC 555

IC 4049 (2pcs)

Diode IN4007 (10pcs)

Resistor 10K (11pcs)

Resistor 330K

Resistor 1K

Resistor 200K

Potentiometer 1M

Capacitor 100nF (11pcs)

Capacitor 220uF

Capacitor 33nF

Capacitor 100uF



You can download this circuit with higher resolution as a PDF file here:


LED Chaser with 80 channels


In following video you can see how this circuit works