September 28, 2020

Educational LED Matrix Oscilloscope

This circuit is an Educational LED Matrix Oscilloscope by using IC LM3914 and CD4017.

The max. frequency less than 10KHz !! (an educational project)

You can order this PCB from here:


Parts List:

IC LM3914 (2pcs)

IC 4017 (2pcs)

IC LM358 

IC NE555

LED Matrix 8X8 display (4pcs)

Transistor 2N2222

Transistor 2N3906

Optocoupler PC817

Diode 1N4148 (10pcs)

Potentiometer 1M

Potentiometer 10K (2pcs)

Capacitor 100nF (2pcs)

Capacitor 10nF

Capacitor 220uF

Resistor 270 ohm

Resistor 390 ohm

Resistor 510 ohm

Resistor 1K

Resistor 1.2K

Resistor 1.5K

Resistor 2K (3pcs)

 Resistor 3K

 Resistor 3.3K

Resistor 4.7K (2pcs)

Resistor 33K

Resistor 180K

Resistor 430K

BNC Socket 

IC Socket 8pin (2pcs)

IC Socket 16pin (2pcs)

IC Socket 18pin (2pcs)

Female headers 8pins (8pcs) 

Potentiometer knobs (3pcs)

Power supply 5V or 4x AA Batteries 


You can download the PDF file for this circuit with higher resolution from here:

Educational LED Matrix Oscilloscope

You can order the PCB from here:


I explained how this circuit works in following video: