August 19, 2020

Ultrasonic Wireless Power Transmitter

This circuit is a Wireless Power Transmitter that using the ultrasonic wave to transmit the power. However its just an educational project, because it can not delivers high power. Output current on the receiver side is too low (micro amps), so you need high efficiency green LED.

You can order the PCB from PCBWay here:


Ultrasonic Wireless Power Transmitter



Parts list:

IC TL494

Ultrasonic transducer (Receiver and transmitter)

Green Transparent LED 5mm

Diode 1N4148

Resistor 1K (2pcs)

Resistor 51k

Resistor 10K

Multiturn Potentiometer 10K



Ultrasonic Wireless Power Transmitter Circuit
Ultrasonic Wireless Power Transmitter Circuit
