August 08, 2020

Non Contact Tachometer Without Microcontroller

This circuit is a Non Contact Tachometer Without using arduino or any other Microcontroller.


Non Contact Tachometer Without Microcontroller

Parts list:

IC 555 (2pcs)

IC 40110 (4pcs)

IC 4060 (2pcs)

IC 4017 (2pcs)

IC 4093

Avoidance sensor TCRT5000

Dip switch 4 channel 

Transistor 2N2222 (2pcs)

Optocoupler PC817 (2pcs)

Crystal 32.768 KHz

7segment display common cathode (4pcs)


Diode 1N4148

Bush button switch

Capacitor 100nF (5pcs)

Capacitor 100uF

Capacitor 1uF

Capacitor  40pF

Resistor 1K (34pcs)

Resistor 2M (2pcs)

Resistor 10K

Resistor 33K

Resistor 20K

Resistor 10M

Resistor 200R

Resistor 220K



 You can download the PDF file for this circuit with higher resolution from here:

Non Contact Tachometer Without Microcontroller

You can order the PCB for this circuit from here:


I explained the circuit in following video: