June 23, 2020

Automatic AC Voltage Stabilizer Without microcontroller (Motorized)

This circuit is an Automatic AC Voltage Stabilizer Without microcontroller (Motorized).
It can convert any input voltage range (50V - 270V) to 220V at the output.
It also can be used for 110V Systems.(by setting the potentiometers). 

Automatic AC Voltage Stabilizer Without microcontroller (Motorized)

Parts list:
IC 358
Transistor BD139 (2pcs)
Transistor BD140 (2pcs)
Resistor 100 ohm (2pcs)
Resistor 22K
Resistor 3.3M
Resistor 1K
Diode 1N4007 (4pcs)
Capacitor 47nF 400V
Potentiometer 5K
Potentiometer 20K (2pcs)
Diode bridge DB107
LED Green & Red
12V 3A Switching power supply
DC Drill motor
Autotransformer (VARIAC)


The orange line refers to the join between motor and the transformer shaft 

Automatic AC Voltage Stabilizer Without microcontroller (Motorized)

The transformer pins name (A - B - COMMON) shown here (match them in the circuit above).

Automatic AC Voltage Stabilizer Without microcontroller (Motorized)
