March 05, 2020

LED Digital Clock Without any microcontroller

This circuit is an LED Digital Clock Without using any microcontroller
Using IC LM8560
This circuit working with a 6 to 9v center tap transformer and consuming 1.7W of power.

LED Digital Clock Without any microcontroller

Parts List:
IC LM8560
Center tap transformer (6 or 9v output)
Capacitor 470uF 16V
Capacitor 1nF
Capacitor 15nF
LED (59pcs)
Diode 1N4007 (4pcs)
Push button switch (5pcs)
Toggle Switch 3pin
Dip switch 1d 
Terminal 2P
Piezo buzzer
Resistor 100R 0.5W (2pcs)
Resistor 110K
Resistor 2.2K
Resistor 100K
Battery 9V With holder

To order this PCB first go to the website link below, Then click "Add to card" then select the PCB color and quantity then click "Submit" and after few minutes when review completed by the engineers, you can pay for it by clicking on "Proceed to Checkout"


LED Digital Clock Without any microcontroller
