January 22, 2020

DIY Frequency Counter Without Microcontroller

This circuit is a DIY Frequency Counter Without Microcontroller using IC CD40110
It can measure frequency up to 6MHz.

Parts List:
IC CD40110 (7pcs)
IC 4060 (2pcs)
XTAL 32.768 KHz
Transistor 2N2222
Capacitor 40pF
Capacitor 100nF
Capacitor 100uF
7Segment common cathode (7pcs)
Resistor 220K
Resistor 470R (49pcs)
Resistor 33K
Resistor 2K
Resistor 1K
Resistor 20K
Resistor 10M
IC Socket 16DIP (9pcs)

To order this PCB first go to the website link below, Then click "Add to card" then select the PCB color and quantity then click "Submit" and after few minutes when review completed by the engineers, you can pay for it by clicking on "Proceed to Checkout"

DIY Frequency Counter Without Microcontroller


You can download this circuit as PDF file with better resolution from here:  

DIY Frequency Counter Without Microcontroller
